privacy policy
Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information.
Safety management measures
We will strictly manage personal information to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., and will take necessary and appropriate measures for other safety management. We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. (This does not apply when disclosure is necessary to a subcontractor to perform business services.)
Acquisition of personal information
We will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means.
Purpose of use of personal information
We will use your personal information entered on the web when you apply for participation for the purpose of managing applicants and contacting applicants. Personal information provided for other purposes will not be used.
Disclosure, change and correction of personal information
If you wish to change your address, etc., or if it turns out that there is an error in the registered information, we will promptly change or correct it. In addition, if a customer wishes to disclose personal information, we will inform you of the requested personal information after confirming the identity of the customer.
Suspension of use of personal information
If you wish to delete your registered information, we will confirm your identity and promptly suspend or delete your personal information.
Use of Cookies
A cookie is a technology used by a web server to identify your computer. This site uses this technology to provide user-friendly services and to analyze access logs.
Inquiries about personal information
Please contact us regarding personal information and its handling.